European road freight update – rates rose in October, passing pre-pandemic levels for the first time this year. This is partly seasonal and partly due to reduced capacity. But it is an important indication that economic recovery might be under way.
The current lack of capacity is influencing the prices. Rates have increased month on month, but are not yet at the 2019 levels. Peak season (the busy end-of-year period for Christmas retail) is well underway. So we are not expecting any changes in the current capacity or prices. Unless the second wave of Covid-19 infections escalates, leading to economic activity being closed again.
But Covid-19 is not the only threat to your supply chain. The Brexit customs changes come into force on 1st January are you ready?
There are specific changes required for European Road Freight, HGV’s exporting freight from GB to the EU. Hauliers and HGV drivers in the Roll on Roll off (RoRo) freight industry need to carry the correct documentation before arriving at port. Particualrly HGV’s travelling via the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel.
For more information visit the website
To help hauliers and HGV drivers understand if they are carrying the right documentation, the UK Government is developing a new web service, known as “Check an HGV is Ready to Cross the Border”
Following consultation on M20 Operation Brock, this web service will provide advice on documentation needed by HGVs over 7.5 tonnes. Allowing them to check the HGV is ready to cross the border at the Port of Dover or via the Eurotunnel. Failure to use this service carries £300 fine.
The “Check an HGV is Ready to Cross the Border” service will also generate a Kent Access Permit (KAP) for those who confirm either that they have, or will obtain en route, the necessary customs documentation. The UK government has confirmed that all lorry drivers entering the county of Kent on route to Europe will need the Kent Access Permit from January 1st.
What is the Kent Access Permit?
The Kent Access Permit is a certificate for drivers carrying out international transportation tasks from the UK to Europe. It aims to make sure drivers will already have completed the required documentation for crossing into the EU before even entering Kent.
It will be digitally issued to drivers who receive a ‘green’ or ‘amber’ result from the “Check an HGV is Ready to Cross the Border” service.
Who needs the Kent Access Permit?
All truck drivers (both UK and non-UK drivers) who carry out international transportation tasks and are heading to Europe via the county of Kent to cross the Channel.
HGV drivers doing domestic journeys that start, travel through, or end in Kent, will NOT need to obtain a KAP.
How can I get the permit?
By the time you arrive at the county of Kent, you need to have the Kent Access Permit. To get the Kent Access Permit, you need to receive a green light from the “Check an HGV is Ready to Cross the Border” service.
Basically, this means that by the time you arrive at the county of Kent, you need all your documentation sorted and declared online.
This website will be fully operational by December 2020 For those wanting to prepare a demonstration of the website can be found at
Once the service is live, Government will close this demonstration website and redirect traffic to the ‘live’ service on the GOV.UK website.
Our distribution services are ready for the changes on 1st January 2021, please contact us to discuss any aspects of your supply chain.
Our TPS Global Logistics domestic freight team services include –
Same and next day UK and European distribution;
Final mile delivery to residential, retail or commercial properties;
Overnight pallet services for next day delivery;
Two-man teams and full range of our own vehicles and drivers.
Tel: +44 (0) 1622 237979 or email click here for more information