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The Beauty Industry facts that may surprise you.

perfume-logistics#1. Asia is the world’s biggest consumer of beauty products, taking up 37% of total value of the industry.

The European cosmetics industry plays a leading role in product development and is a science-driven and highly innovative sector. Comprehensive research and development programmes look at all aspects of beauty and well-being, from investigating consumer behaviour and beauty aspirations, the biology of skin, hair, teeth and oral cavity, to new innovative technologies and how to make this industry more environmentally sustainable.

The beauty and cosmetics industry plays a huge role in society and has done so for centuries – clinical research confirms that the ability to take care of your appearance during illness increases confidence and can aid the healing process.

#2. It can take over 5 years of innovation and formulation to bring a new product to the market.

Back in the beginning Cleopatra led the way for refined make-up in red, white and black colourings. Her collection of recipes created make-up from complex mineral mixes with lead by-products (cerusite, laurionite, phosgenite)

Today some perfume and cosmetics products are classified as hazardous goods. In particular perfume itself and Eau de Toilette which are made of combustible components. The flammable chemical composition of these products make them Class III dangerous components according to ADR classifications.

Therefore when is comes to the supply chain and freight forwarding, handling these goods has to be in compliance with specific requirements. This will ensure the preservation of the perfume qualities as well as adhering to safety during transportation.

#3. The first modern perfume, Hungaria Water, was produced in Hungary in 1370 when scented oils were blended in an alcohol solution.

#4. In the 18th century, England banned the use of lipstick because it was believed to lure men into marriage! However In 1909, it was a famous London salon who was the first to sell cosmetics on the open market.

This industry has not remained static: every year, a quarter of all cosmetic products on the market are improved or are completely new.

The fast-moving beauty consumer goods industry is driven by science. What may seem a simple improvement might at times represent a major scientific breakthrough. For example, it took 20 years of scientific advancement to remove the smell of ammonia from hair dye and there are at least 30 separate, scientific steps involved in the development of every new lipstick.

#5. The cosmetics and personal care industry contribute approx. €29 billion in added value to the European economy annually. €11 billion is contributed directly by the manufacture of cosmetic products and €18 billion indirectly through the supply chain.

This industry employs approximately 28,800 scientists from a wide range of disciplines including physics, microbiology, biology, dermatology, dentistry, toxicology, rheology, analytical chemistry and genetics. There are at least 77 scientific innovation facilities in Europe carrying research in relation to cosmetics.

#6. The beauty industry supports over 2 million jobs. 167,730 people are employed directly, and a further 1.63 million indirectly in the cosmetics supply chain.

There is room for both large companies and SMEs in this industry. On average, large industry companies have a product portfolio of around 10,000 different cosmetic products and reformulate around 25% to 30% of their products every year. Introducing around 80 new ingredients to their product portfolio each year, while SMEs tend to have 40 to 160 products in their portfolio and introduce on average 22 new ingredients each year.

#7. In the 2019 exhibition season we counted 289 worldwide Trade Shows just related to Beauty & Personal Care.

When it comes to the supply chain logistics of the beauty industry at TPS Global we are perfume and cosmetic industry experts.

Our team understands the complexities and handling issues related to these products to ensure that storage and transportation meet with the necessary conditions. Some cosmetics and perfume products are complex in terms of their chemical composition and are sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. Non-compliance with specific conditions for transportation and storage of these products can cause quality degradation.

Another characteristic of perfume and cosmetics is their value. Many types of perfume and cosmetics products – premium-class products in particular – are expensive. We operate secure storage solutions, careful handling, an experienced warehouse team and safe transportation including own fleet of vehicles and drivers to ensure arrival in good condition.

To deliver our service promise we use our personal experience and long-term working knowledge of perfume and cosmetics industry products, to provide fast and safe transportation and storage solutions tailored to the characteristics of the goods.

Please contact the team for storage, distribution, freight forwarding or ecommerce solutions +44 (0)1622 237979 or email

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