The Department of International Trade, London and South East region has contacted various industry professionals to become part of a network of Export Champions.
TPS Global have joined and we are working with our clients and local businesses to support and encourage UK export. Selling overseas is not as daunting as people think, and we are here to help.
Exporting can be profitable for businesses of all sizes. All the evidence shows that small and medium sized businesses that export achieve higher turnover growth, innovate more and create more jobs, with employees earning more than in non-exporting firms.
If you are successfully selling your product or service in the UK, there is every chance that demand will exist overseas. You could open another office location, licence your product, diversify or acquire another business.
Whilst exposure to international competition can bring challenges and risks, with e-commerce, the internet and all the support now available, there is no doubt that exporting is getting easier.
The economic benefits of selling overseas can provide growth and stability to thousands of UK businesses. Exporting companies cope better with upheavals in their economy, and are more likely to stay in business, than those that just sell domestically.
Any UK business can join our DIT export community, this network of businesses share success stories, offer practical advice and lead by example. Together with the DIT we offer export guidance, services and support.
One long-established Yorkshire manufacturing business says it has successfully exported worldwide without actually meeting the final customer several times and the order values have been significant.
E-commerce overcomes the challenge for micro and small businesses to appear big and established.
The help available includes guides on –
- Creating an export plan
- Finding an export market
- Defining a route to market
- Preparations for doing business in a foreign country
- Managing payment for export orders
- Getting export finance and funding
- Managing legal and ethical compliance
- Preparing for export procedures and logistics
Online tools include global marketplaces to help you sell online, access special deals negotiated by the DIT for eligible UK businesses, as well as e-commerce support and advice to help grow sales.
There are also export opportunities, the DIT have over 18,000 export sales leads -overseas buyers who are looking for UK products and services. You can express your interest and pitch your company.
You can create a business profile on to enable you to connect directly with international buyers, this is an easy way for companies to find you, take the opportunity to showcase your business – highlighting your projects and experience and pull in the right leads.
Britain is still a world-class manufacturer. ‘Made in Britain’ remains highly regarded around the world where people also like how we do business.
MD Matt Smith shares his top tips for export ‘Always have a plan, and your export plan should include your people, for example can someone from your team drive this or do you need to recruit? Do you have enough capacity, or do you need to upscale to meet a new market’s demands? and finally, I recommend visiting your potential new market. Showcase your products at a trade fairs and build new contacts’
Operations Director Barry Broughton added the following – ‘understanding the admin is vital, you need to get consular documents, forms and payments correct from the start. Documentation is at the heart of exporting, without it there is no contract, no transport and no payment. These requirements do vary from country to country.’ The freight teams here at TPS Global can complete the paperwork on your behalf – in part or in full.