Marketplace Platform Integration

TPS Fulfil integrates with all major trading platforms and marketplaces utilising our in house Connect integration platform. Connect automatically syncs orders, inventory, tracking and more between external platforms and our warehouse management system.

We can also create bespoke integrations to any platform or order management system using API’s or automatic uploading of flat files such as excel spreadsheets . Automation is at heart or everything we do, allowing you to focus on growing your business.

Our Connect platform contains a customer portal where you can view dashboards, query orders and inventory, track batches,  raise orders, purchase orders, advance shipping notices and generate custom reports. We’re more than happy to show you around the portal so please contact us for a demo.

Areas of integration
Marketplace Integrations

Shopify, Woo Commerce, Mirakl, Amazon , Ebay, Wayfair, etsy, Not On The High Street, Squarespace, Magento, BigCommerce… and many more…

ERP Integrations

Unleashed, Dear Systems, SAP, Sage, Netsuite, Microsoft Dynamics… and many more


Our Connect platform has a fully integrated API for you to use, including placing orders, retrieving orders, inventory balances, purchase orders etc.

Please contact us for more specific information on our integrations as well as any bespoke integrations that you may require


All inventory is scanned on receipt and corresponding UOM, COO,  batch, expiry data stored against each unit of stock for the duration of it’s lifecycle.

We can allocate stock to orders based on FIFO, LIFO LEFO…